Leggi la Traduzione in italiano di I Just Called to Say I Love You su TestiTradotti.
È la colonna sonora dei seguenti film:
- 1984 The woman in red
È contenuto nei seguenti album:
- 1984 The woman in red
- 1995 Natural wonder
- 1996 Song review: a greatest hits collection
- 2002 The definitive collection
- 2007 Rare broadcasts
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Testo Della Canzone
I just called to say I love you di Stevie Wonder
No New Year’s Day to celebrate
No chocolate covered candy hearts to give away No first of spring No song to sing In fact here’s just another ![]() No April rain No flowers bloom No wedding Saturday within the month of June But what it is, is something true Made up of these three words that I must say to you I just called ![]() I just called to say how much ![]() ![]() I just called to say I love you And I mean ![]() No warm July No harvest moon to light one tender August night No autumn breeze No falling leaves Not even time for birds to fly to southern skies No Libra sun I just called to say I love you I just called to say I love you I just called to say I love you |
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C Em C Em NoNEWYear's Day to celebrate C F No chocolate covered candy hearts to give away Dm DmM7 No first of spring Dm7 DmM7 No song to sing Dm G C G In fact
here's justANOTHER
ordinary day C Em No April rain C Em No flowers bloom C F No wedding Saturday within the month of June Dm DmM7 Dm7 DmM7 But what it is, is something true Dm G C Made up of these three words that I must say to you F G C I just called to say I love you F G Am I just called to say how much I care
F G Am I just called to say I love you F G C And I mean it from the bottom of my heart C Em No summer'sHIGH
C Em No warm July F No harvest moon to light
tender August night Dm DmM7 No autumn breeze Dm7 DmM7 No falling leaves
Dm G C G Not even time for birds to fly to southern skies C Em No Libra sun C Em No Halloween C F No giving thanks to all the Christmas joy you bring Dm DmM7 Dm7 But what it is, though old so new Dm G C To fill your heart like no three words could ever do F# G# C# I just called to say I love you F# G# Am# I just called to say how much I care F# G# Am# I just called to say I love you F# G# C# And I mean it from the bottom of my heart G A D I just called to say I love you G A Bm I just called to say how much I care G A Bm I just called to say I love you G A D And I mean it from the bottom of my heart
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