

È contenuto nei seguenti album:
1966 Matthew & son

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Testo Della Canzone

Hummingbird di Cat Stevens

There’s a yellow flower by your bed
Sadly droopin’ it’s perfumed head
So you won’t smell it, I know what you’ll miss

And there’s a hummingbird, a hummingbird,
A hummingbird, a hummingbird,
Oh there’s a hummingbird singing.

There is the hat you made, the clothes you wore
Lying down on the cold, dirty floor.
The colors are fading, they’ll never shine again.

And there’s a hummingbird, a hummingbird,
A hummingbird, a hummingbird,
Oh there’s a hummingbird singing.

Now the road is turning gray,
There’s a shadow where you once lay.
They’ll find it tomorrow, and think you went alone.

But there’s a hummingbird, a hummingbird,
A hummingbird, a hummingbird,
Ah there’s a hummingbird crying.

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