You go to my head


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
1964 Mina

Testo Della Canzone

You go to my head di Mina

di: (Haven GillespieFred Coots)

You go to my head
and you linger like a haunting refrain
and I find you spinning ‘round in my brain
like the bubbles in a glass of champagne

You go to my head
like a sip of sparkling burgundy brew
and I find the very mention of you
like the kicker in a julep or two

The trill of the thought
that you might give a thought to my plea
cast a spell over me
still I say to myself “Get a hold of yourself”
can’t you see that it never can be

You go to my head
with a smile that makes my temperature rise
like a summer with a thousand Julys
ou intoxicate my soul with your eyes

Though I’m certain that this heart of mine
hasn’t a ghost of a chance in this crazy romance
You go to my head
You go to my head

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