Twilight alehouse


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1998 Genesis archive: 1967-1975 (live/collection-disco 3)

Testo Della Canzone

Twilight alehouse di Genesis

Is it really true what they’re saying
Are you really sure there’s nobody come for me
When I’m walking home there is no-one
Once there was a house, and the laughter so warm
Trying to pretend there is someone
Someone who will care when they’re needed

I will now receive my comfort, conjured by the magic power
Just a drink and I’m feeling good
Just a drink (I’ll get that drink) and I’m feeling fine

Just a drink to take my sorrow
Just a drink and you can laugh tomorrow
Just a drink to make me feel like a man again…

Now I’m down
When I walk outside, there is nowhere
Children follow me, with their laughter so cold…
Passing just a glance at the churchyard
Casting just a glance, at my painted female friend

Now I’m on my way, I am falling
Got to find some help, I will need that now
So I will receive my comfort

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