Come follow me

Testo Della Canzone

Come follow me di Gen Verde

I heard a voice, coming from afar
a voice which seemed to say
“Come, follow me”

But I said “No”, I said “No
I want to stay where I am”
But this voice I heard it saying
“Come, follow me”

But one day I knew
that I could no longer forget
this voice which seemed to haunt me
so deep within my heart

So I said “Yes”, I said “Yes”
for this voice was calling so strong
It was the voice of my Lord I knew
saying “Come, follow me”

And then I found a love
a love that transformed my soul
which made me one with many
drawn to answer His call

We said “Yes”, we said “Yes”
to this voice that sounds within us
To the Lord who calls to all men,
“Come, follow me”, “Come, follow me”

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