Glad to be unhappy


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1955 In the wee small hours

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Testo Della Canzone

Glad to be unhappy di Frank Sinatra

Ray Charles

Look at yourself, if you had a sense of humor
You would laugh to beat the band
Look at yourself, do you still believe the rumor
That romance is simply grand?

Since you took it right on the chin
You have lost that bright toothpaste grin
My mental state is all a-jumble
I sit around and sadly mumble

Fools rush in, so here I am
Very glad to be unhappy
I can’t win, but here I am
More than glad to be unhappy

Unrequited love’s a bore
And I’ve got it pretty bad
But for someone you adore
It’s a pleasure to be sad

Like a straying baby lamb
With no mammy and no pappy
I’m so unhappy
But oh, so glad!

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