Granada-Frank Sinatra


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
1998 The complete reprise studio recordings -disk 2

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Testo Della Canzone

Granada-Frank Sinatra di Frank Sinatra

Granada, I’m falling under your spell,
And if you could speak, what a fascinating tale you would tell.
Of an age the world has long forgotten,
Of an age that weaves a silent magic in Granada today.
The dawn in the sky greets the day with a sigh for Granada.
For she can remember the splendor that once was Granada.
It still can be found in the hills all around as I wander along,
Entranced by the beauty before me,
Entranced by a land full of flowers and song.
When day is done and the sun touch the sea in Granada,
I envy the blush of the snow-clad Tierra Novada,
Soon it will welcome the stars
While a thousand guitars play a soft Carbinera.
Then moonlit Granada will live again,
The glory of yesterday, romantic and gay.

(musical interlude)

And soon it will welcome the stars
While a thousand guitars play a soft Carbinera.
Then moonlit Granada will live again,
The glory of yesterday, romantic, gay Granada.

[And these are the Spanish lyrics as sung by Placido Domingo:]

Granada tierra soniada por mi.
Mi cantarse vuelve hitana cuando es para ti.
Mi cantar hecho de fantasia.
Mi cantar flor de melancholia que yo te vengo adar.
Granada tierra ensangrentada de sangre de toros.
Mi bello conserva el embrujo de los ojos moros.
Resuello rebelde hita0no y lleno de flores, y beso tu boca de grana,
Tu blanco manzana que habla de amores.
Granada manola hitana de coplas preciosas.
No tengo otra cosa que darte que un rama de rosas.
De rosas de suave fragancia que alleje amargo la virgen morena.
Granada tu tierra esta llena de lindas mujeres de sangre del sol..

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