Sweet emotion


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1975 Toys in the attic
1978 Live bootleg
1980 Greatest hits
1986 Classic live
1998 Pandora’s box (cd2)
1998 A little south of sanity
2002 Young lust: the Aerosmith anthology
2002 O Yeah! Ultimate Aerosmith hits

Testo Della Canzone

Sweet emotion di Aerosmith

Talk about things and nobody cares
Wearing other things that nobody wears
Ya callin’ my name, but I gotta make it clear
Can’t say where I’m gonna be in a year.

Some sweat hog mama with a face like a gent
Said my get up and go musta got up & went.
You got good news but you’re a real good liar
Cause backstage lover set your pants on fire.
Riff 8x, then sweet emotion 2x
Pulled into town in a police car
Your daddy said I took you just a little too far.
Tellin’ other things, but your girlfriend lied
Can’t catch me cause the rabbit done died.

Standin’ in front just shakin’ your ass.
Take you back stage you can drink from my glass.
Talk about something you can sure understand
Cause a month on the road and i’ll be eatin’ from your hand

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