È contenuto nei seguenti album:
- 1975 Main course
- 1977 Here at last – Bee Gees live
- 1979 Greatest (cd 2)
- 2008 Here at last..Bee Gees..live
Testo Della Canzone
Wind of change di Bee Gees
* Mina
– 2000 Mina per Wind – 2009 Riassunti d’amore – Mina Cover di: (Klaus Meine) And the lights shine down on me, But like me, he don’t know where he’ll go wrong, Like me, there’s no room for us out there, Sometimes a man breaks down, Get on up, look around, Don’t you understand what I’m saying? Make the lights shine down on us, Like me, he don’t know where he’ll go wrong, Like me, there’s no room for us out there, Sometimes a man breaks down, down, down down, down, Get on up, look around,
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