Gone – Asking Alexandria Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Gone – Asking Alexandria

Every day I awake
I await my fate as the sky turns blue to grey
Now I understand it might be my last day
Might be my last day
Now I understand it might be my last day
Might be my last day

So what am I supposed to do now I've reached the end?
And if I gained another chance, would you still be there?

Please don't be lonely when I'm gone
I've been so sad for far too long
And as I gently slip away, this song will always stay

For now, this is my goodbye

So what am I supposed to do now I've reached the end?
And if I gained another chance, would you still be there?

Please don't be lonely when I'm gone
I've been so sad for far too long
And as I gently slip away, this song will always stay

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Asking Alexandria in costante aggiornamento

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