Goldfinger – Ash Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Goldfinger – Ash

Move closer, set my mind on fire
Taking over, the world seems so alive
The world seems so alive

She slips into the night, and she is gone
Gone to settle the score, gone into the town
Rain shining in her eyes
Her brother started school
Again today, a thought to pass the time
To occupy my mind, while I'm waiting for her

Down in the basement, listening to the rain
Thinking things over. I think it over again
I think it over again

She slips into the night, and she was gone
Gone to settle the score, gone into the town
Rain shining in her eyes
Her brother started school
Again today, a thought to pass the time
To occupy my mind, while I'm waiting for her

I'm riding it down, listen to the rain
She'll be here soon, I lie back and drift away
I lie back and drift away.

She slips into the night, and she was gone
Gone to settle the score, gone into the town
Rain shining in her eyes
Her brother started school
Again today, a thought to pass the time
To occupy my mind, while I'm waiting for her

I'm feeling so alive, feeling so real
On a stormy night, the rain is coming down
Rain like never before
I've got some records on, some bottles of wine
On a stormy night, the rain is lashing down
And I'm waiting for her

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Ash in costante aggiornamento

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