Let’s Start Again – Chris Rea Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Let's Start Again – Chris Rea

We've been together
For oh so long
Don't care whatever
Who's right or wrong
I've been your best friend
You ain't no fool
Like brother and sister
We broke all the rules

It would be crazy
For this to end
Let's think it over
Let's start again
Ain't nobody gonna to be as close as me and you

No-one remembers
It been so long
So many tough times
They've been and gone
Who cares what they say
Cos they don't know Only one way to go

It would be crazy
For this to end
Let's think it over
Let's start again
Ain't nobody gonna to be as close as me and you

Let's think it over
Let's start again

It would be crazy
For this to end
Let's think it over

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Chris Rea in costante aggiornamento

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