If You’ve Got A Friend In Jesus – Chris Rea Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
If You've Got A Friend In Jesus – Chris Rea

If you've got a friend in Jesus
Won't you tell him about me
If you've got a friend in Jesus
Won't you tell him about me
Tell him buy me off the boss man
And set me free

If you've got a friend in Jesus
Tell him help this broken man
If you've got a friend in Jesus
Help this broken man
I got too much twistin' pain
Drinkin' gasoline from an old steam can

If you've got a friend in Jesus
Tell him listen what I say
If you've got a friend in Jesus
Tell him listen what I say
You've got to save me from this Satan
And help me find a way

You've got a friend in Jesus

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Chris Rea in costante aggiornamento

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