Ann – David Gates Testo della canzone

Il Testo della canzone di:
Ann – David Gates

Ann a-sleepin' on my bed
Hair a-tumblin' 'round your head
You will always be a part of me
When I look in your eyes
It's my reflection I see

Ann, I wonder how you knew
I needed someone just like you
Were you on a beam of guiding light
that came in my life
late that September night

And though I try to hold back the years
I cannot hold the dawn
And so I try to hold back the tears
when love has grown up and gone

Ann I'll love you 'till I die
And when you hear this lullaby
I'll be with you though we're far apart
And you'll be with me right here inside my heart

I'll be with you though we're far apart
And you'll be with me right here inside my heart

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per David Gates in costante aggiornamento

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