THIS CHRISTMAS – Manuel Aspidi Testo con traduzione in italiano


Giorni gelidi, freddo invernale
È la stagione della pace e della buona volontà nei nostri pensieri, nei nostri cuori
Che la festa di Natale abbia inizio

È quel periodo dell'anno
Per augurare pace e buona volontà a coloro che sono cari Forse vicini forse lontani
auguro loro gioia ovunque si trovino
In tutti questi tempi difficili
L'importanza della famiglia e della nostra unità ci dà la forza per 

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Il Testo della canzone di:
THIS CHRISTMAS – Manuel Aspidi

Frosty days , Winter chill
Its the season of peace and goodwill In our thoughts, in our hearts
Let the Christmas festivity start

Its that time of the year
To wish peace and goodwill to those dear Maybe near maybe far
wish them joy wherever they are
All through these difficult times
The importance of family and our unity gives us the strength to survive
and for love to go on
By the fire , round the tree

Where our family and children should be
Giving hope and a cheer
raise a glass to a happy new year
Sing out loud raise your hands send a positive gift to all lands
With our thoughts and our hearts

Let the Christmas festivity start
All through these challenging days We need something to celebrate
a tree to decorate

Gives us a reason to give
and the joy to receive
Say it loud say it clear
Merry Christmas and happy new year
In our thoughts in our hearts

Let the Christmas festivity start
Come together, make some noises Raise your spirit
and raise your voices send a seasonal message, goodwill to all
Bells are ringing Children singing in Joyful harmony,
join the party and Shout it out from the rooftops answer the call
(counter melody )

Merry Christmas

Ecco una serie di risorse utili per Manuel Aspidi in costante aggiornamento

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