you and your nudity – BEERCOCK Testo con traduzione in italiano


gentile e coraggioso come una piuma tu scendevi roteando
saltando un passo poi un altro per guidarmi con il tuo abito lilla

benedetta tu e la tua nudità mentre si appoggiava al mio semplice sonno
e svegliando tutta la mia impertinenza il lillà si piegò sui tuoi occhi - profondi

la bella addormentata sul tuo trono di cristalli non eri per niente come le cose di cui ho mai sentito parlare
mentre d

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Il Testo della canzone di:
you and your nudity – BEERCOCK

gentle and brave as a feather you used to come swirling down
jumping one step then another to lead me with your lilac gown

blessed be you and your nudity as it leaned over my simple sleep
and waking up all of my impertinence the lilac bent on your eyes - deep

sleeping beauty on your throne of crystals you were nothing like the things I ever heard of
as you slept the pages had just symbols and when you awoke I could read all the words

you had changed the language of mankind - our everyday-talk became suddenly loyal
the bowl and the jug became lanterns the road before us instantly royal

the fields of grass we stepped on and the cities they yielded all to gaze at the land
and fate followed us and our pity like a madman with a razor in his hand

but none of these things I could ever tell you - the words I've said until now are not mine
I climbed on the back of a poet to sing his diamonds with my copper rhyme

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