1962 Modern sounds in country and western music

1962 Modern sounds in country and western music di Ray Charles

1962 Modern sounds in country and western music

Il testo contenuto in questa pagina è di Proprietà dell’autore. Wikitesti.com è un un’enciclopedia musicale con lo scopo di far conoscere a quante più persone possibile il panorama musicale.

  1. Bye bye love
  2. You don’t know me
  3. Half as much
  4. I love you so much it hurts
  5. Just a little lovin’ (will go a long way)
  6. Born to lose
  7. Worried mind
  8. It makes no difference now
  9. You win again – Ray Charles
  10. Careless love
  11. I can’t stop loving you
  12. Hey, good lookin’


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