È contenuto nei seguenti album:
- 1962 Kid Galahad
- 1971 C’mon everybody
- 1991 Collectors gold cd 1-2-3
- 1993 Double features:Kid galahad-Girls girls girls
- 1995 Double features:Flaming star-Wild in the country-Follow that dream
Testo Della Canzone
A whistling tune di Elvis Presley
(words & music by edwards – david)
Did you ever notice when the sun goes down Out of nowhere comes a strange and pretty sound Its a whistling tune for walking in the night If you listen you can hear it in the breeze Specially when the breeze is drifting through the trees Its a whistling tune for walking in the night And the murmuring waters sing the song The echoing mountains hum along The whispering valleys fill the air With a whistling tune our hearts can share Its so wonderful to walk beneath the moon Listening to old mother natures favorite tune Its a whistling tune for walking in the night
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