È contenuto nei seguenti album:
- 1972 Living in the Past
- 1968 This Was (versione rimasterizzata del 2001)
- 1992 A Little Light Music (live)
- 1993 The Best of Jethro Tull: The Anniversary Collection
- 2002 Living with the Past (indoor live)
- 2003 The Jethro Tull Christmas Album
- 2007 The Best of Acoustic Jethro Tull
Testo Della Canzone
A Christmas Song di Jethro Tull
Once in a royal David’s city
stood a lonely cattle shed, (lonely diventa lowly nella versione del Christmas Album del 2003) where a mother held her baby, (held diventa laid nella versione del Christmas Album) you’d do well to remember the things He later said. When you’re stuffing yourselves at the Christmas parties, You just laugh when I tell you to take a running jump; you’re missing the point I’m sure does not need making, that Christmas spirit is not what you drink. So how can you laugh when your own mother’s hungry, Hey, Santa, pass us that bottle will you?
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