At the library


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1990 1,039 smoothed out slappy hours

Testo Della Canzone

At the library di Green Day

Hey there lookin’ at me
Tell me what do you see
But you quickly turn your head away
Try to find the words I could use
Don’t have the courage to come up to you
My chance is looking a bit grey

Starting across the room
Are you leaving soon?
I just need a little time

What is it that drives me mad
Girls like you that I never had
What is it about you that I adore?
What makes me go so insane
That makes me feel so much pain
What is it about you that I adore?

Starting across the room
Are you leaving soon?
I just need a little time

Why did you have to leave so soon?
Why did you have to walk away?
Oh well it happened again
She walked away with her boyfriend
Maybe we’ll meet again someday.

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