È contenuto nei seguenti album:
Testo Della Canzone
Boys boys boys di Lady Gaga
Hey there, sugar baby, saw you twice at the pop show
You take just like glitter mixed with rock and roll I like you a lot, lot, think you’re really hot, hot Know you think you’re special when we dance real crazy Glamophonic, electronic, d-d-disco baby I like you a lot, lot, all we want is hot, hot Boys, boys, boys, we like boys in cars Baby is a bad boy with some retro sneakers Boys, boys, boys, we like boys in cars Boys, boys, boys, we like boys in cars I’m not loose, I like to party Love it when you call me legs Boys, boys, boys, we like boys in cars Boys, boys, boys, we like boys in cars Boys, boys, boys, we like boys in cars
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