È contenuto nei seguenti album:
2009 No line on the horizon
Testo Della Canzone
Breathe-U2 di U2
16th of June, nine 0-five, door bell rings
Man at the door says if I want to stay alive a bit longer There’s a few things I need you to know. Three coming from a long line of travelling sales people on my mother’s side I wasn’t gonna buy just anyone’s cockatoo So why would I invite a complete stranger into my home Would you? These days are better than that These days are better than that Every day I die again, and again I’m reborn Every day I have to find the courage To walk out into the street With arms out Got a love you can’t defeat Neither down or out There’s nothing you have that I need I can breathe Breathe now 16th of June, Chinese stocks are going up We are people borne of sound
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