Cincinnati kid


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

2000 The definitive Ray Charles

Testo Della Canzone

Cincinnati kid di Ray Charles

He came witht the name Cincinnati
A kid with no ace in the hole
On a hot poker pot, Cincinnati
Had staked his heart and soul

He played night and day like a demon
And prayed for that one lucky day
When the lush royal flush of his dreaming
Is just a game away

Beyond all the green felt shadows
His own queen of hearts will wait
But till he’s king of the green felt shadows
She’ll wait, and wait, and wait

For sure as the cards will be falling
And chips in the pot, he’ll remain
For the book Lady Luck will be calling
Whoah, the Cincinnati kid
I mean the Cincinnati kid
Whoah, the Cincinnati kid
Whoah, the Cincinnati kid
I’m talking about the Cincinnati kid
Everybody knows the Cincinnati kid
Have you heard about the, the Cincinnati kid

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