Down the road apiece


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1965 The Rolling Stones, now!
1965 The Rolling Stones No.2

Testo Della Canzone

Down the road apiece di Rolling Stones

Now if you wanna hear some boogie like I’m gonna play
It’s just an old piano and a knockout bass
The drummer’s man’s a cat they call Charlie McCoy
You know, remember that rubber-legged boy?
Mama cookin’ chicken fried and bacon grease
Come on along boys it’s just down the road apiece

Well there’s a place you really get your kicks
It’s open every night about twelve to six
Now if you wanna hear some boogie you can get your fill
And shove and sting like an old steam drill
Come on along you can lose your lead
Down the road, down the road, down the road apiece

Well there’s a place you really get your kicks
It’s open every night about twelve to six
Now if you wanna hear some boogie you can get your fill
And shove and sting like an old steam drill
Come on along you can lose your lead
Down the road, down the road, down the road apiece

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