Emily – Elton John


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
1992 The one

Testo Della Canzone

Emily – Elton John di Elton John

The church bells ring out morning glory
When summer bends to the winter’s rage
Emily walks through the cemetery
Passed a dog in an unmarked grave
The old girl hobbles, nylons sagging
Talks to her sisters in the ground
I saw a lie in the mirror this morning
I heard a prophesy all around

And Emily they come and go
The shadows and the distant sounds
But Emily don’t be afraid
When the weight of angels weighs you down

Emily prays to a faded hero
In a little frame clutched to her gown
Hears the voice of promise in his memory
Tonight’s the night they let the ladder down
In a cage sits a gold canary
By a wicker chair and a rosewood loom
As a soul ascends abord the evening
Canary sings to an empty room

And Emily they come and go
The shadows and the distant sounds
But Emily don’t be afraid
When the weight of angels weighs you down

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