Ever-full bag


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
2006 Great tits heat !

Testo Della Canzone

Ever-full bag di The bastard sons of Dioniso

Once I tried to knock twice on my head:
any answers, maybe it was in bed
this fuckin’ brain is lazy and disobedient

Luckily there was Caio by my side:
naughty smile and red eyes, that’s why
nobody answered while the night rocked us

Star Dust in abundance, it was a kind of magic
when he showed the “Ever-full bag
“He’s a guardian angel, better still a guardian devil
always ready to heat it up

I felt an heavy load on my shoulder:
“Why do you have a monkey on your hair?”
“Damn!!! You’ve got a monkey on your head, too.”

Living in middle-age without horses,
a lot of African swallows and flying-cows
I think it’s better a good pair of coconuts

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