à contenuto nei seguenti album:
- 1983 Walk into Light
- 1985 A Classic Case (strumentale)
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Testo Della Canzone
Fly by Night di Ian Anderson
Walk into Light |
It’s hard to say I’m sorry. May we just forget about today.You see,
I fly by night. I fly by night. I laid my love beside the door and left you sleeping on the floor. So long. I fly by night, I fly by night. I fly by night. I fly by night. And though you might think it’s too bad of me I have to leave you with used memories. I have no stomach for the dawn. I feel I should be moving on and so I fly by night. Now lady luck’s deserted me. The ghosts of love stand clear to see. They also fly by night. They fly by night. Strange figures in the dark. Did Cupid strike and leave his mark? It seems his arrows fly by night. They fly by night. Fly! Let’s fly. Let’s fly by night. Let’s fly by night. Let’s fly by night.
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