Forgetful heart


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
2009 Together through life

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Testo Della Canzone

Forgetful heart di Bob Dylan

Last your power of recall
Every little detail
You don’t need me to let out

The times we knew
Who will remember better than you
Forgetful heart
We have to have a good talk you and I

Its been so long
I will content to let the days go by
But you were there
You were the answer to my prayer

Forgetful heart
We loved with all the love that life can give
But can I say without you it is so hard today
Can’t take much more
Why can’t we love like we did before

Forgetful heart
Like I walk in shadow in my way
All night long
I lay awake and listen to the sound of pain
The door has closed thru ever more
If indeed there ever was a door

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