Give me the love


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
1980 21 at 33

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Testo Della Canzone

Give me the love di Elton John

You’ve been crying, and I’m crazy about you
I’ve been lying, and hanging you up, `cause
I’m deep on the inside, but flash on the outside
I am the thunder, and you are my lightning

Give me the love, baby, give me the key to your heart
Give me the love, baby, give me the key to your heart
Give me the love, give me the key to your heart
Months of watching, and hours of hoping
That you’d want me, when you see me again
For I am an eagle, but my wings are all tied up
You got the power to fly me again

You’ve been trying to build walls all around you
But you’re lying, `cause I’ve already been through
And I’ve seen you trying to capture that feeling
But you’re chasing what you’ve never believed in
Tell me you love me, tell me you need me

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