Glitter and grease


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Testo Della Canzone

Glitter and grease di Lady Gaga

Rub that glitter and grease around
Rub that glitter and grease around
Rub that glitter and grease around
Grease around
Rub that glitter and grease around
Rub that glitter and grease around
Rub that glitter and grease around
Grease around

Hot shit in Brooklin
Painted green watermelon
That guy’ride is good looking
good looking
He tells that he loves me
And thought I’m real sexy
He loves his car, car, cars…
He’s always with his car, car, cars…
So I…

Rub that glitter and grease around
Rub that glitter and grease around
Rub that glitter and grease around
Grease around
Rub that glitter and grease around
Rub that glitter and grease around
Rub that glitter and grease around
Grease around

Knock it, pump it, wash, bumb it
Rub that glitter and grease
He loves it
He’s so fine he makes her shiny
There’s more glitter and grease behind me
Rub that glitter and grease behind me

Rub that glitter and grease around
Rub that glitter and grease around
Rub that glitter and grease around
Grease around grease around
Rub that glitter and grease around
Rub that glitter and grease around
Rub that glitter and grease around
Grease around

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