Heels of the wind


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
1981 The fox

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Testo Della Canzone

Heels of the wind di Elton John

Just like a broken marriage, when two people just don’t care
Like when the cupboard is empty or there’s no food in the Frigidaire
I’m a page from the end of the story
No closer to my hope and glory
Just a kick away from the heels of the wind

How come it gets so disturbing, when two ships pass in the storm
Who knows how high the crow flies, who knows where this refugee was born
I’m a page from the end of the story
No closer to my hope and glory
Just a kick away from the heels of the wind

And just for the sake of all these reasons
Rains wash out the fires within
Fires that help to keep you moving
Just a kick away from the heels of the wind

You don’t deserve that treatment, I can’t pretend I was that nice
I’m no E ticket ride to Disneyland, I’m no cushy first class flight
I’m a day behind your restless wings
You, you rather have the wealth of kings
Me, I’d rather be on the heels of the wind

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