

È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1988 Il mondo avrà una grande anima

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Testo Della Canzone

Helena di Ron

(di RonAlfred Smith)

Morning’s cold dark outside start your day
life goes on everywhere in this way
you’re a woman in your eyes
are the sparling of your soul
anywhere that you take your life.

Every day every night yuor ideals
take yuo on do they hide what your feel?
Are you fighting all alone
in a cold and hostile world?
You’re so warm and yuo’re beatiful.

Helena, does it ever get your down?
Helena, when you’re struggling in this town
Helena, you’re so perfect in your role
but it’s love that makes the world
oh it’s love oh Helena.

Keep your eyes and your heart straigt a head
give yuor time give it all to yuor friend
cause you hold the winning card
but where’s the time for Helena?

Helena, does it ever get your down?
Helena, when you’re struggling in this town
Helena, you’re so perfect in your role
but it’s love that makes the world
go around…

(Grazie a oxilia.ornella per il testo)

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