Highway 51 blues


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
1962 Bob Dylan

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Testo Della Canzone

Highway 51 blues di Bob Dylan

Highway 51 runs right by my baby’s door
Highway 51 runs right by my baby’s door
If I don’t get the girl I’m loving
Won’t go down to Highway 51 no more.

Well, I know that highway like I know my hand
Yes, I know that highway like I know the back of my hand
Running from up Wisconsin way down to no man’s land.

Well, if I should die before my time should come
And if I should die before my time should come
Won’t you bury my body out on the Highway 51.

Highway 51 runs right by my baby’s door
I said, Highway 51 runs right by my baby’s door
If I don’t get the girl I’m loving
Won’t go down to Highway 51 no more.

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