Honey,just allow me one more chance


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
1963 The freewheelin’ Bob Dylan

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Testo Della Canzone

Honey,just allow me one more chance di Bob Dylan

Honey, just allow me one more chance
To get along with you.
Honey, just allow me one more chance,
Ah’ll do anything with you.
Well, I’m a-walkin’ down the road
With my head in my hand,
I’m lookin’ for a woman
Needs a worried man.
Just-a one kind favor I ask you,
‘Low me just-a one more chance.

Honey, just allow me one more chance
To ride your aeroplane.
Honey, just allow me one more chance
To ride your passenger train.
Well, I’ve been lookin’ all over
For a gal like you,
I can’t find nobody
So you’ll have to do.
Just-a one kind favor I ask you,
‘Low me just-a one more chance.

Honey, just allow me one more chance
To get along with you.
Honey, just allow me one more chance,
Ah’ll do anything with you.
Well, lookin’ for a woman
That ain’t got no man,
Is just lookin’ for a needle
That is lost in the sand.
Just-a one kind favor I ask you,
‘Low me just-a one more chance.

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