How can I go on


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1988 Barcelona
2000 Freddie Mercury solo collection cd 2- Barcelona
2000 Freddie Mercury solo collection cd 5- The singles 1986-1993
2006 Lover of life,singer of songs – The very best of Freddie Mercury solo

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Testo Della Canzone

How can I go on di Freddie Mercury

When all the salt is taken from the sea
I stand dethroned
I’m naked and I bleed
But when your finger points so savagely,
Is anybody there to believe in me
To hear my plea and take care of me?

How can I go on
From day to day
Who can make me strong in every way
Where can I be safe
Where can I belong
In this great big world of sadness
How can I forget
Those beautiful dreams that we shared
They’re lost and they’re no where to be found
How can I go on?

Sometimes I tremble in the dark
I cannot see
When people frighten me
I try to hide myself so far from the crowd
Is anybody there to comfort me
Lord… take care of me.

How can I go on
From day to day
Who can make me strong in every way
Where can I be safe
Where can I belong
In this great big world of sadness
How can I forget
Those beautiful dreams that we shared
They’re lost and they’re no where to be found
How can I go on?

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