à contenuto nei seguenti album:
- 1977 Songs from the Wood
- 1978 Bursting Out (live)
- 1990 Live at Hammersmith ’84 (live)
- 2007 Live at Montreux 2003 (live)
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Testo Della Canzone
Hunting Girl di Jethro Tull
Songs from the Wood |
One day I walked the road and crossed a field to go by where the hounds ran hard.
And on the master raced: behind the hunters chased to where the path was barred. One fine young lady’s horse refused the fence to clear. I unlocked the gate but she did wait until the pack had disappeared. Crop handle carved in bone; sat high upon a throne of finest English leather. My lady, be discreet. I must get to my feet and go back to the farm.
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