I must have lost it on the wind


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
2006 The captain and the kid

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Testo Della Canzone

I must have lost it on the wind di Elton John

(Music by Elton John/Lyrics by Bernie Taupin)

I’m no longer counting I’m not keeping score
I could say my list of lovers doesn’t matter anymore
But some are always in my heart
And some I’m not so sure
Either way they all left their mark
And for some I found a cure

From one you learn something
Another you learn, nothing
And there’s one who might teach you everything
But before I learned to listen
And if indeed someone said it
Then I guess I must have lost it on the wind

Back when I was younger each one was a prize
Love just came along and hit you right between the eyes
And one was just a trophy catch
And one was like a curse
Some would want to bleed you dry
Some might quench your thirst
[repeat chorus]

In cold water I went fishing in warm seas I cast a line
And swore the heart I was reeling in was perfect at the time
You couldn’t tell me I was wrong, you couldn’t tell me anything
And if you did then I guess I must have lost it on the wind

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