I saw a man and he danced with his wife


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
1974 Dark lady

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Testo Della Canzone

I saw a man and he danced with his wife di Cher

I was by myself drinkin’
Chilled lonely wine
Then he walked in with some woman
Who’s place was once mine
And she wore his ring on her finger
And the band began a song
I’d heard before

I saw a man and he danced with his wife
How I wished he was dancing with me
‘Cause I remember before
When we danced on this floor
His eyes were only on me

Where did I go wrong
They were playin’ our song
While I was cryin’ all night long
I kept watchin’ as they dance so divine
I kept hopin’ kept on lookin’
But I couldn’t catch his eye

Oh, then he got up and he saw me
But he just walked right on by
And danced with her

Where did I go wrong
They were playin’ our song
While I was cryin’ all night long
Two weeks later
I heard a knock on my door
He’s back
Just like all those good time before
Ah, then he kissed me
And he told me
I left her ‘cause I love you,
So much more than I knew

I saw a man and he danced with his wife

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