I see a road


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
1966 Matthew & son

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Testo Della Canzone

I see a road di Cat Stevens

I see a road and I want to go home,
I want to go home, my baby will be waitin’ there
With a yellow ribbon in her hair
And I know that she won’t disappear cuz she loves me
Too much

I see a road and I want to go home,
I want to go home, my baby will be gettin’ old
And I want to make sure she’s not cold
Yes, I want to make sure she’s not cold cuz I love her
Too much

Where silk music plays out in the country out of the way
We’ll make love, yeah, under the blue sky above
And we’ll be riding on top of the world

I see a road and I want to go home,
I want to go home, my baby will be waitin’ there
With a yellow ribbon in her hair
And I know that she won’t disappear cuz she loves me
Too much

I see a road and I want to go home….

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