Jesus ranch


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
2007 Even lemmy sometimes sleeps

Testo Della Canzone

Jesus ranch di The bastard sons of Dioniso

It was a big day on Jesus Ranch, Jesus Ranch.

He was harvesting a big tomato, it was in the sand, alright.
I’m taking a walk in the woods, and it’s nice outside.
Smells of shit, Liga Guinggligagiggagoogwayogo.

I come upon a silver, striped mushroom and I fa la la la ly la ly.
And I fly, fly.

It was a big day on Jesus Ranch, Jesus Ranch.
I fell in love with a baked potato.
That’s when I started the dance, yeah, in France.

I’m takin a walk in the woods, fuck Yeah!
It’s nice, very very nice.
Smells of shit, Liga fluinggligagiggagoogoogwayogo.

I come upon a silver, striped mushroom, and I fa la la la ly la ly.
And I fly, fly.
fa la la la ly la ly,
and i fly,
I’m gone.

a fligga gu,
rigga gu hu,
rigga gigga gee gu,
ruu ga guuunn,
rigga gigga gu hu,


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