Kitty can


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1968 Idea
2006 Idea (cd 1)

Testo Della Canzone

Kitty can di Bee Gees

Eve never pleases me and Kitty can.
Eve never pleases me and Kitty can.

When Kitty smiles, the world stands still,
I see a thousand golden daffodils.
But when she cries, the world just dies,
I see a million tears in Kitty’s eyes.

Eve never pleases me and Kitty can.
Eve never pleases me and Kitty can.

Now Eve is bad and treats me cruel.
She likes to see me looking like a fool.
I find a way with words I say
to be in love in such a lonely way.

Eve never pleases me and Kitty can.
Eve never pleases me and Kitty can.

Now they are two and I am one.
I cannot fall in love with everyone.
So I must choose between the two.
Made up my mind, now I am choosing you.

She never pleases me and Kitty can.
Eve never pleases me and Kitty can.

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