Love these goon shows


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Love these goon shows di Beatles


Lee Peters: But now, John has his work cut out on the next one, as he takes his guitar on and off his neck and pulls the harmonica in and out of his face.
John: Harp. It’s a harp.
Lee: What? Harp?
John: The harp. ‘Cause I’m playing the harp on this one.
Lee: Playing the harp?
John: Harmonica I play on “Love Me Do,” harp, on this one, little goes in the orang.
Lee: But it goes in and out? Do you wanna do this announcement? Well, go on, you go ahead, no, it’s all right. Tell them. Tell them about the next song.
John: Oh, er, we’d like to carry on with Chuck Berry’s “I Gotta Find My Baby.” Don’t know where she’s been, pardon, hello? Love these goon shows

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