È contenuto nei seguenti album:
- 1973 Aerosmith
- 1978 Live bootleg
- 1986 Classic live
- 1988 Gems
- 1991 Pandora’s box (cd1)
- 1998 A little south of sanity
- 2002 O Yeah! Ultimate Aerosmith hits
Testo Della Canzone
Mama Kin di Aerosmith
It ain’t easy, livin’ like a gypsy
Tell ya, honey, how I feel. I’ve been dreaming, Floatin’ down stream and Losin’ touch with all that is real. Whole earth lover, keepin’ under cover Never knowin’ where ya been. You’ve been fadin’, always out paradin. Keepin’ touch with Mama Kin. Well you’ve always got your tail on the wag. It ain’t easy, livin’ like ya wanna, Said you’re as bald as an egg at eighteen. Keepin’ touch with Mama Kin. It ain’t easy, livin’ like ya wanna, Said you’re as bald as an egg at eighteen. Keepin’ touch with Mama Kin.
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