Mathilda hates tom cats


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Mathilda hates tom cats di Carmen Consoli

She considered it the height of bad taste
Keep fit fanatics in sweaty shorts
Pretty porcelain dolls, brought that on
Candlewick bedspreads.

She considered it the height of bad taste
Sycophantic lap dog lip service.
China dog spouse in grotesquely on ov
Populated sitting room sideboards.

Mathilda always hated to have long black hair
She could not stand Tom cats
And Tom cats everywhere
Little white lies, look at those eyes
Mathilda hated Tom cats
And social climbing forces.

She considered it the height of bad taste
Secret obsessive pornography trips.
Churchgoing bigots with hidden voices
Plum like smile stretching silicon lips.

Mathilda always hated to have long black hair
She could not stand Tom cats
And Tom cats everywhere
Little white lies, look at those eyes
Mathilda hated Tom cats
And social climbing forces.

Mathilda always hated to have long black hair
She could not stand Tom cats
And Tom cats everywhere…….

Matilde odiava il tanfo d’urina
Tipico dei gatti in calore
Un giorno prese la pistola
Dal cassetto e spar.
Ne colp uno grigio e lo vide
Cadere a terra esanime.
Ma pose fine al proprio dramma
Soltanto nel momento in cui
Premette il grilletto contro se stessa.

Mathilda always hated to have long black hair
She could not stand Tom cats
And Tom cats everywhere
Little white lies look at those eyes
Mathilda hated Tom cats
And social climbing forces.

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