Mickey Mouse march


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

Mickey Mouse march di Bambini

Mickey Mouse Club! Mickey Mouse Club!
Mickey Mouse Club! Mickey Mouse Club!
Mickey Mouse Club! Mickey Mouse Club!
Who’s the leader of the club
that’s made for you and me?
mickey mouse
Who’s the leader of the club
that’s made for you and me?
mickey mouse
Mickey Mouse! Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse! Mickey Mouse
Forever let us hold our
banner high!
Come along and sing a song
and join the jamboree!
mickey mouse
Mickey Mouse Club! Mickey Mouse Club!
Hey, there! Hi, there! Ho, there!
Your as welcome as can be.
mickey mouse
Hey, there! Hi, there! Ho, there!
Your as welcome as can be.
mickey mouse
Mickey Mouse! Mickey Mouse
Forever let us hold our
banner high!
Come along and sing a song
and join the jamboree!
mickey mouse
Mickey Mouse Club! Mickey Mouse Club!
Who’s the leader of the club
that’s made for you and me?
mickey mouse
Who’s the leader of the club
that’s made for you and me?
mickey mouse
Mickey Mouse! Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse! Mickey Mouse
Forever let us hold our
banner high!
Come along and sing a song
and join the jamboree!
mickey mouse
mickey mouse

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