Wikitesti.com è la più grande enciclopedia musicale italiana, sul nostro sito oltre i testi delle canzoni potete trovare: traduzioni delle canzoni, accordi per chitarra, spartiti musicali e molto altro.
Su wikitesti.com ci sono oltre 11.000 artisti e 320.000 testi. Sulla pagina “discografia e raccolte” trovi Trovi la lista completa degli artisti in ordine alfabetico: Discografie e Raccolte
Lista aggiornata il 29/12/2020
2006 In my own wordsAddicted - Ne-Yo
Ain't thinking about you
All day long
Angel - Ne-Yo
Another Love Song - Ne Yo
Another Love Song - Ne Yo Testo e Accordi per chitarra
Baby by me
Back to what you know
Beautiful monster
Because of you - Ne-Yo
Because of you (feat. Kanye West)
Because of you (remix)
Better today
Black angel
Breaking up
Call me crazy
Can I keep you company
Can we chill
Can't shake loose
Can't stop - Ne-Yo
Cause I said so
Champagne life
Closer - Ne-Yo
Closer (remix)
Crazy love - Ne-Yo
Dance for me
Do you
Do you (remix)
Don't call me (snippet)
Don't fall in love
Don't remember
Don't wanna be in love
Don't worry me now
Dream - Ne-Yo
Fade into the background
Feel you all over
Feels so good
Forbidden fruit
Friend like me (da Aladdin) - Ne-Yo
Get down like that
Get down like that (remix)
Get to know you
Girlfriend - Ne-Yo
Give me everything (tonight)
Go on girl
Go to sleep - Ne-Yo
Halo (remix)
Hate that I love you
Hate you
Home - Ne-Yo
Hurt me
I ain't gotta tell you
I can do bad (snippet)
I was in love
I'm in love - Ne-Yo
I'm sorry - Ne-Yo
If you only knew - Ne-Yo
If you want me to stay
Impossible - Ne-Yo
In the way
Irreplaceable - Ne-Yo
It just ain't right
It just makes sense
It's over - Ne-Yo
It's you
Know your name
Laying around
Leaving tonight
Let go - Ne-Yo
Let me get this right
Lie to me - Ne-Yo
Lincoln continental
Lonely - Ne-Yo
Lonely again
Love - Ne-Yo
Make it work
Making a movie
May be is you
Me without you
Minority report
Mirror - Ne-Yo
Miss independent - Ne-Yo
Miss right
Miss your company
My diamond
My star
Ne-Yo - Discografia
Never knew I needed
Night life - Ne-Yo
Nobody - Ne-Yo
Not perfect
Not strong enough
One in a million - Ne-Yo
Over my head
Part of the list
Put it in a letter
Put that thang on u
Round and round - Ne-Yo
Say it - Ne-Yo
Set it off
Sex with my ex
Sexy love
Sexy love (duet remix)
She got her own
She's right here
Sign me up
Silently screaming
Single - Ne-Yo
So sick
So sick (remix)
So you can cry
Spotlight - Ne-Yo
Stay - Ne-Yo
Stop this world
Stupid 4 u
Take a bow - Ne-Yo
That's entertainment
That's what it does - Ne-Yo
The best part (is you)
The corner (intro)
The Glory Jeezy e Ne-Yo - Testo e Traduzione in Italiano
The plan
The rain - Ne-Yo
Time - Ne-Yo
Together - Ne-Yo
Tonight (just you and me)
Waiting - Ne-Yo
Watch u dance
What have I done
What's the matter
When it was me
When you're mad
Why does she stay
Wife her
You ain't gotta go
You don't love me
You want it
You're a star
Su wikitesti.com ci sono oltre 11.000 artisti e 320.000 testi. Sulla pagina “discografia e raccolte” trovi Trovi la lista completa degli artisti in ordine alfabetico: Discografie e Raccolte
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