È contenuto nei seguenti album:
Testo Della Canzone
No reply at all di Genesis
Talk to me, you never talk to me.
Ooh, it seems that I can speak. I can hear my voice shoutin’ out. But there’s no reply at all. Look at me, you never look at me. No reply. There’s no reply at all. Dance with me, you never dance with me. Yet there’s no reply at all. Be with me. Seems you’re never here with me. And there’s no reply at all. I get the feelin’ you’re tryin’ to tell me; Be with me. Seems you’re never here with me. And there’s no reply at all. I get the feelin’ you’re tryin’ to tell me; Maybe deep down inside, But maybe deep down inside, I’m lyin’ Listen to me, you never listen to me. And there’s no reply at all.
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