È contenuto nei seguenti album:
Testo Della Canzone
No surprize di Aerosmith
Nineteen seventy one
we all heard the starters gun New York is such a pity but at Max’s Kansas City we won we all shot the shit at the bar with Johnny O’Toole and his scar and then old Clive Davis said he’s surely gonna make us a star I’m gonna make you a star just the way you are but with all his style I could see in his eyes that we is goin’ on trial and it was no surprize the boys kept kickin’ ass as usual time will tell but some bitch in the choir threw waters on the fires of hell she loved to show and tell lord she loved to tell but with all our style you could see in our eyes that we is still on trial baby it’s no surprize, no surprize, no surprize, no surprize midnight lady situation fetal vaccinate your ass with your phonograph needle I say lookie here friend of mine scratch like you need calomine flamingo boots soles a-creakin’ still in love and Puerto Rican too ridin’ on the wheels of hell smokin’ up our axle grease oh the backstage is rockin’ and we’re coppin’ from the local police that’s right the local police or the justice of peace chorus rock and roll
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