On the balcony of the Casa Rosada 2

1996 Evita


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1996 Evita (disc 2)

Testo Della Canzone

On the balcony of the Casa Rosada 2 di Madonna

Just listen to that, the voice of Argentina
We are adored, we are loved

Statesmanship is more than entertaining peasants

(Eva’s sister:)
We shall see little man

[Evita Peron, La Santa Peronista … ]

I am only a simple woman
Who lives to serve Peron in his noble crusade
To rescue his people
I was once as you are now, and I promise you this
We will take the riches from the obligarchs
Only for you, for all of you
And one day, you too will inherit these treasures
Descamisados, mis companeros
When they fire those cannons, when the crowds sing of glory
It is not just for Peron, but for all of us, for all of us

Things have reached a pretty pass
When someone pretty lower-class
Can be respected and admired

But our privileged class is dead
Look who they are calling for now

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