One-Alanis Morissette


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
1998 Supposed former infatuation junkie

Testo Della Canzone

One-Alanis Morissette di Alanis Morissette

I am the biggest hypocrite
I’ve been undeniably jealous
I have been loud and pretentious
I have been utterly threatened
I’ve gotten candy for my self-interest
The sexy treadmill capitalist
Heaven forbid I be criticized
Heaven forbid I be ignored

I have abused my power forgive me
You mean we actually are all one
One one one one one one one
I’ve been out of reach and separatist
Heaven forbid average (whatever average means)
I have compensated for my days of powerlessness

I have abused my so-called power forgive me
You mean we actually are all one
One one one one one one one

Did you just call her amazing?
Surely we both can’t be amazing!
And give up my hard earned status
As fabulous freak of nature?

I have abused my power forgive me
You mean we actually are all one
One one one one one one one
Always looked good on paper
Sounded good in theory

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